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Equipment News

Functionality and performance enhanced: grandMA2

MA Lighting has consistently enhanced the hardware and software of grandMA2 since its introduction to the market. Recognising the needs of this market is top priority, and MA Lighting is single-mindedly focussed on getting the best results for the user.

The grandMA2 has already proven its reliability on numerous productions, performances, shows and events and is setting new standards in this segment – just like the grandMA ‘series 1’ did in its time. A special focus is on theatre and opera as well as TV and studio work.

Moreover many small programming and user functions for which MA is renowned have already been implemented. Furthermore, features like effects on preset-basis, timecoded-Shows, the online-help-browser and interactive help functions boost the popularity of the grandMA2, making day-to-day work much more effective, powerful and comfortable.

grandMA2 is also the first universal hardware platform available on the market because it’s possible to choose between working in the classic grandMA ‘series 1’ mode as well as in the new grandMA2 mode. Additionally MA Lighting offers an extremely powerful future-ready hardware with the grandMA2.

With the development of the MA VPU (Video Processing Unit) MA Lighting has expanded its system solution with a fast, easy-to-use and powerful video control facility. Together with the grandMA2 consoles, networking components like the MA NPU (Network Processing Unit), the MA dimmer range and MA software tools like grandMA 3D and grandMA onPC, it is a unique and effective system.
Australian Distributor: Show Technology

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