Luminous Entertainment recently provided production services for the inaugural Frankston Country by the Bay festival. The event, which took place on the picturesque Frankston Foreshore, drew in a crowd of 1500 music lovers.

The festival boasted an impressive line-up of artists including Adam Brand, The Wolfe Brothers, Casey Barnes, Amber Lawrence, The Pleasures (Catherine Britt & Lachlan Bryan), Gretta Ziller, Michaela Jenke, Adam Ludewig, Kaitlyn Thomas Music, The Mason Boys, Eddie Rawk Band, Andy Penkows, Kane Vincent and Maya O’Loughlin.
Luminous Entertainment made use of their recently acquired Acoustic Technologies’ 8 x SCX28 coaxial Stage Monitors, which received high praise from both the production team and artists. Joshua Vozzo, a representative of Luminous Entertainment, reported that the performance of the SCX28s was exceptional, stating: “The event was perfect, all the bands were so easy to work with and really loved the new speaker. We had Adam Brand, Casey Barnes, and The Wolfe Brothers, and they were all very impressed. The SCX28s performed so well, and we are thrilled with the natural and powerful sound they produced.”