Four draft Rigging Working Group Standards are available at the web address below. Materially affected members of the public are invited to review them.
BSR E1.6-2 – 201x, Entertainment Technology – Design, Inspection, and Maintenance of Electric Chain Hoists for the Entertainment Industry, is part of the E1.6 powered entertainment rigging project. This draft standard covers the design, inspection, and maintenance of serially manufactured electric link chain hoists having capacity of 2 tons or less and used in the entertainment industry. This standard does not cover attachment to the load or to the overhead structure. Its review runs until April 24.
BSR E1.6-4 – 201x, Portable Control of Fixed-Speed Electric Chain Hoists in the Entertainment Industry, is a standard for the controls often used to operate chain hoists. Its review runs until March 27.
BSR E1.8 – 201x, Entertainment Technology-Loudspeaker Enclosures Intended for Overhead Suspension-Classification, Manufacture and Structural Testing, is a revision of the existing standard for the structural integrity of loudspeaker enclosures that are suspended overhead. It is designed to ensure that flown speaker enclosures don’t break and drop debris. The revisions are intended to simplify the standard and to clarify the requirements. Its review runs until May 1.
BSR E1.39 – 201x, Entertainment Technology – Selection and Use of Personal Fall Arrest Systems on Portable Structures Used in the Entertainment Industry, establishes minimum requirements for the selection and use of personal fall arrest systems on portable structures in the entertainment industry. It also establishes minimum requirements for manufacturers and owners of these structures being used as work platforms. Its review runs until April 24.

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