Four more draft rigging standards have been added to the list available for review on PLASA’s public review online. The reviews run through October 17. The links will disappear when October 18 starts.
BSR E1.1 – 201x, Entertainment Technology – Construction and Use of Wire Rope Ladders, describes the construction and use of wire rope ladders in the entertainment industry in order to promote worker safety. It’s a revision of the existing 2006 standard. The changes are intended to raise the minimum load rating to allow heavier workers to use the ladders.
BSR E1.6-2 – 201x, Entertainment Technology — Design, Inspection, and Maintenance of Electric Chain Hoists for the Entertainment Industry, is a part of the BSR E1.6 powered theatrical rigging systems project. This document, BSR E1.6-2, covers the design, inspection, and maintenance of electric chain hoists used in the entertainment industry as part of a performance or in preparation for a performance.
BSR E1.6-3 – 201x, Selection and Use of Chain Hoists in the Entertainment Industry, is another part of the BSR E1.6 powered rigging project. It establishes minimum safety requirements for the selection and use of serially manufactured electric link chain hoists having capacity of 2 tons or less in the entertainment industry. This part does not address the design or maintenance of these hoists.
BSR E1.39 – 201x, Entertainment Technology -Selection and Use of Personal Fall Arrest Systems on Portable Structures Used in the Entertainment Industry, establishes minimum requirements for the selection and use of personal fall arrest systems on portable structures in the entertainment industry. It also establishes minimum requirements for manufacturers and owners of these structures being used as work platforms.

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