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Event News

Focus on training at ENTECH INTECH

With the largest visitors program ever, next February’s staging of ENTECH INTECH will include a range of ‘how to’ seminars on technical training for organisations and prospective trainers.

Drawing on the latest version of the Entertainment Training Package (CUE 03 Version 3.1), the seminars will outline practical methods and training tricks to get anyone up to speed with what can be a confusing jumble of jargon.

“These sessions appeared daunting at first,” said Event Director Robby Clark. “But when we saw first-hand some of the methods used at Julius Events College recently, we felt that if anyone could share years of experience in the training field at ENTECH INTECH, it was them.”

Topics are divided into lighting, live audio and vision, with each split into two parts – the training framework and the challenges of assessment and the actual training tips involving real world students and equipment.

“We were the first registered training organisation to deliver CUE03 training and assisted in the development of the framework,” said Andrew MacKenzie, Head of Training at Julius Events College.

“Of late we have assisted many larger high schools who have rolled out the Entertainment V.E.T. course and see an exponential upswing in young people using the school-based course to get a start in the industry.”

Seminar costs are under $20 at ENTECH, with a full 3.5 day delegates package selling at just $199 (including GST). The first release Visitors Guide timetable will be published in the September issue of CX Magazine, with seminars on sale then.

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