FashFest 2015, Canberra’s own red-carpet event celebrating fashion, arts and culture, was held in the nation’s capital a few weeks ago. An exciting mix of local talent hit the runway with more than 30 fashion designers launching their new collections for this year.
Staged for the first time in the National Convention Centre, this year’s event was again bigger and better than in previous years. The four-night marathon dedicated solely to fashion & art introduced fresh fashion collections from Canberra’s most talented young artists, brought to life by more than 80 models with the support of fourteen top live musicians and DJs.
Elite Sound and Lighting were once again the Platinum partner of Fashfest, lighting up the catwalk and all the event’s premises and providing the state-of-the-art sound for the main fashion show as well as numerous VIP after-parties & publicity events. Darren Russell (MD of Elite S&L) took up the role of Technical Director of Sound and Lighting of FashFest and together with his talented crew proved again that they are the ‘Elite’ of Canberra’s production & installation providers.
The centerpiece of the fashion show was a huge VuePix E12 screen (90 panels), which was flown above the DJ area in the center of the main fashion show stage. The screen was mainly used for streaming the super-sharp live videos of the fashion show during the evening, helping the excited fashion lovers not to miss any interesting details on the catwalk. During the entrée, défilé and breaks, the VuePix screen was used together with projection screens placed on each side of the stage to showcase the promotional videos, designers’ logos and sponsors’ adverts.
The lighting rig above the catwalk featured 16 Robe BMFLs and 16 Robin 600 LEDWashes, accompanied with other conventional lighting fixtures. These were set up mainly in Tungsten mode during the fashion show, enhancing the perfect skin tone of the models. The Robe fixtures also provided intense mood lighting before the event when the guests were arriving, as well as the creative lighting for various artists performing throughout the show.
Darren Russell, Technical Director of Sound and Lighting of FashFest 2015 comments: “This is our third year as the production partner for Fashfest and every year we have included lots of Robe and Vuepix, with this year being no exception. This year we have a bigger LED screen and have introduced the powerful BMFL to the mix. The BMFL just continues to amaze us every time we have them on a show, in our opinion they are simply the best moving head spot on the market today, hands down!“.
Fashfest 2015 was a great success, shining the spotlight on some of the most talented local designers and helping Canberra’s fashion industry to grow.