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Exit Strategy: Life after Lighting

By Chris Lose

Repeat after me: I am not invincible. I will break down. I cannot work forever. I will need money to survive. I need to start planning now or it will be too late.

Eventually, I may step off the audience riser and onto a half-full water bottle left behind by some 70-year-old, pension-earning, Medicaid-having, social-security-collecting, well-to-do groupie that comes to every show in her stretched limo thanks to her 50 years at a nine-to-five. I may slip, fall, twist my ankle and stub my go-finger. This injury could put me in the hospital for only a few days or it could lay me up for several weeks. Either way, with the tragic system known as the American health insurance complex, it’s going to cost me far more than two days’ pay and a 10-percent tip. A little slip up like this could cost me my livelihood. This little snafu could amount to a loss of wages that cripples my family. I’m wired to protect my wife and kids so I need to make sure that they can count on me. I need a mama eagle to look after my little nest egg the way she would her own hatchlings. Sadly, none of us are soaring eagles of the business world. If we had accounting degrees, we wouldn’t be in the box pushing game. We need help. Most importantly, we need help with our taxes, our retirement savings, health insurance and our exit strategy. This article will not help you with any of those things, but it will get you started thinking about them. I’m not allowed to give legal or financial advice but I can encourage you take the next step towards securing you family’s financial future.

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