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Event Equipment invest in Pro Shop LED MultiPAR Quad Colours

The latest advancement in Multi-Source LED’s is the Pro Shop LED MultiPAR Quad Colour. The fixture utilises 4 in 1 LED technology which means that not only are the red, green and blue chips within the LED but also white and this allows a much wider colour range. Pastel colours that are difficult to achieve with RGB sources alone are easily obtainable.

Michale Jankie, managing director of Event Equipment, was one of the first to see the potential of the LED MulitPAR Quad Colour purchasing twenty of the units.

“We were looking for new LED PARs that were flicker free so that we could use them in all types of environments,” began Michael. “As well as being flicker free, they had to be as bright as possible and robust in structure.”

Upon arriving at Event Equipment’s warehouse, the LED MulitPAR Quad Colour fixtures were unpacked and whisked off straight away to their first gig – the RSVP Melbourne re-launch at the Royal Exhibition Building. The performance of the LED MulitPAR Quad Colours at the event confirmed just what a versatile product Michael had purchased.

“Their menu is amazingly easy,” he commented. “They have these fantastic yokes on them that double as floor stands. We’ve found them to be really sturdy, simple to use, very bright and the colour range is great. ”

The Pro Shop LED MultiPAR Quad Colour makes LED a viable alternative for even the fussiest of colour requirements. 

Photos: Oneill Photographics

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