ESTA‘s Technical Standard Program announces seven documents now in public review: Seven documents – two reaffirmations, one withdrawal, two new draft standards, and two revised draft standards – are now in public review. These documents, along with their respective public review forms and instructions, are available from the TSP’s Public Review Documents download page, found at Return the public review form, and any comments you may have, before the deadline shown.
One revised draft standard from the Control Protocols Working Group:
BSR E1.31, Lightweight streaming protocol for transport of DMX using ACN
This draft is a revision of ANSI E1.31 – 2018, which describes a mechanism to transfer DMX512A packets over a TCP/IP network using a subset of the ACN protocol suite. It covers data format, data protocol, data addressing, and network management, including support for both IPv4 and IPv6. It also outlines a synchronization method to help ensure that multiple sinks can process this data concurrently when supervised by the same controller. Revision is necessary to correct internal reference errors. Submit comments before 13 May 2024.
One reaffirmation from the Stage Machinery Working Group:
ANSI E1.44-2014, Common Show File Exchange Format for Entertainment Industry Automation Control Systems – Stage Machinery
This standard addresses common show file requirements for automated stage machinery control systems used in entertainment venues. It establishes a minimum level of design and performance guidelines for the integrated software design of processor based machinery control equipment. The purpose of this guidance is to ensure that users will be able to transfer, modify and customize a ‘least common denominator’ show file for the data required to tour entertainment productions from one facility to another, even when the facilities’ physical conditions, hoist inventories, and placements, and the machinery control consoles and data topology differ. Submit comments before 20 May 2024.
One revised draft standard from the Rigging Working Group:
BSR E1.50-1, Requirements for the Structural Support of Temporary LED, Video & Display Systems
This draft is a revision of ANSI E1.50-1-2017. It provides updated guidance for lateral design loads, and for situations where technicians must climb on the structure at any time during installation, use, and dismantle. Submit comments before 20 May 2024.
One standard for withdrawal from the Control Protocols Working Group:
ANSI E1.30-3 – 2009 (R2019), EPI 25 Time Reference in ACN Systems Using SNTP and NTP
This standard is another recipe in the E1.30 cookbook for ACN. It offers ways of providing a time reference so that events can be synchronized. It’s being considered for withdrawal because its requirements are outdated and no longer considered useful. Submit comments before 03 June 2024.
One new draft standard from the Event Safety Working Group:
BSR ES1.6, Event Safety – Communications
This standard applies to communications in the live event industry and describes requirements for internal communication and public information for live events and related activities. It provides guidelines and good practices for effective communication within internal event production staff and with external groups, such as the audience and general public. This document addresses communicating with law enforcement, medical support, and AHJs, this standard does not address any communications within AHJs or within military operations. Submit comments before 03 June 2024.
One new draft standard, and one reaffirmation, from the Electrical Power Working Group
BSR E1.80, Pinout Configuration Types for Special-Purpose Multicircuit Cable Systems
This standard addresses the pinout assignments for 19-pin Socapex-style connectors used for various types of power distribution systems in the entertainment industry. It will establish standardized pinout assignments and type designations in order to reduce connection incompatibilities, thereby reducing the risk of shock and electrocution hazards, and the potential for equipment damage. Submit comments before 03 June 2024.
ANSI E1.53 – 2019, Overhead mounting of luminaires, lighting accessories, and other portable devices: specification and practice
This standard covers specifications for the primary and secondary mounting devices for portable stage and studio luminaires and accessories, and for similarly fastened special effects machines. The standard offers guidance on how to properly affix these mounting devices. It’s being considered for reaffirmation. Submit comments before 03 June 2024