A Letter from Julius Grafton
Hi industry,
This chain email goes to 250+ contacts, some of whom are our current exhibitors and many of whom have been or could be. We’re a society, right? We wanted to get this communication out ASAP so sorry, exhibitor cohort, we didn’t do personalised emails to you guys. Plus Kate and I are engaged in alternative employment — so our time is rather clamped right now.
Because of the very real global chaos caused by the Omicron surge ENTECH will be postponed for the first time in its 28 year history. The 2021 event was cancelled outright while the 2020 tour was shut down after three shows.
Technically the March tour could have happened, but the very real risk around lower attendance means postponement is the best outcome for exhibitors who rely on assured crowds of trade. We deliver growing crowds. With huge buying muscle. It’s what we do. October is also out of the summer season, with better attendance probable. We will only ever run an event that produces the best possible outcomes for the exhibitor. We are not half-arsed — we are always FULLY arsed!
We are finalising dates for Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane at the same cost, nothing changes other than the season. October is outside of other events like PLASA, LDI and Integrate and also is clear of the peak summer season. The very first ENTECH – ran by us – was in October 1994.
Here is a pitch: get on board if not already! The opening lower rate is still alive. All you have to do is reply email and say ‘YES!’ We no longer have a paper contract. Everything is easier. We will use this extra time to refine our ENTECH ANALYTICS data capture. It promises to report industry sentiment back to exhibitors. The industry will tell us things they will never tell you. Do you really know what is happening? We can help. Along with ENTECH MARKET and ENTCEH THEATRE, we have even more value aside from our primary role: connecting trade with supply.
Any exhibitors with payments made to us (after 2020) are entitled to a full refund if they/you don’t want to transfer business to our October event.
Kate and I apologise for the inconvenience and the loss of planning exhibitors may have invested. We have great confidence in ENTECH October and are certain we will have record attendance.
Onwards and upwards, colleagues.