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Elite enter the MA realm with an MA2 light

darrenCanberra’s Elite Sound and Lighting have given in to ‘rider-pressure’ and purchased a MA Lighting MA2 light console!

“It was time for us to have some MA in our extensive lighting console inventory,” commented Darren Russell, managing director. “We’ve got a lot of everything else but hadn’t ventured into the MA world. We had been hiring in MA consoles to fill riders and it got to the point where we realized it was time to dip our toes into the MA pool.”

After discussions with the guys at Show Technology, Darren decided the MA2 light was the best choice for his company.

“The MA2 light was a good place to start but we are considering buying a full size MA in the New Year,” he said. “With every other manufacturer we own two to six models in their console range and we’ll probably end up in the same place with MA.”

Some of the Elite crew have been MA users in the past and have clearly welcomed their old friend back.

“One of our guys, Matty Fordham, used to be a staff LD at Hillsong and he had the first MA in Australia so he knows it very well,” added Darren. “We also have Matt Tweedle who worked at the Sydney Opera House and he’s pro-MA as well. Some of our guys who weren’t MA users are getting their head around it and they really like it. It’s all very positive.”


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