The best followspot day is the day when no one mentions the followspots at all. —Chris Lose
Thank you, Eddie.
The cascade of calm falls from the top. If my bosses don’t yell at me for missing any cues, my crew won’t get shouted at. If they don’t get pissed at me, they won’t yell at their stewards for me being a prima donna. If they don’t yell at the steward, he won’t yell at my PM, and my PM won’t yell at his kids for being a disappointment. When everybody does their job, we all get to go to our respective homes feeling content, calm and ready to do it all over again.
Every single day that no one mentions the followspots is an astounding success in my book. The best compliment that I have been able to pay to a local crew is that I hardly knew they were there at all. That means that they nailed every cue without hesitation. The spot ops found their correct position without second guessing themselves. The followspots fired up the first time. The iris, boomerang, trombone and douser were all in good functioning condition. The gel frames were numbered correctly and live gel changes fired in a timely manner.
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