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Robert ‘Dutchie’ Vanderent has just settled the sale of his business, ‘Almost Anything Audio’ to Sydney-based AV integrator Prolinx Audio Visual,  a leading provider of high-quality Audio/Video products and services for the education, corporate, commercial and residential sectors.

Dutchie has vowed to stretch his journey as far as SUNDAY 7 April for an aWAKEning celebration of his colourful life, from 2pm at The Doonside Hotel. Everyone who knew Dutchie is welcome to attend.

Prolinx director Zoran Aleksovski and associate Michael Gousteri took possession of the business today, Thursday April 4 and plan to leverage AAA’s 4000 plus customer list and decades of highly reputational work around Sydney and beyond. Prolinx say AAA is an awesome fit as they already work in the same installation space.

AAA has in recent times operated an online store which fell into decline when former owner Jeff Stewart retired due to medical issues. AAA founder Walter Gerin passed away some time ago, having founded the firm in the 1990’s.

Pictured: Zoran Aleksovski, Dutchie and Michael Gousteri 

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In the fast-paced world of event production, safeguarding your equipment is paramount. Minimising the risk of damage during transport and storage can save you...
