CUB Malthouse is the home of the Malthouse Theatre Company renowned for its dedication to the development, production and promotion of Australian theatre.
The theatre, as its name suggests is set in an atmospheric converted malt house. The complex includes three theatres plus associated cafes and reception rooms.
The venue had been serviced by Strand consoles that, as they aged, had started to fail and so the decision was made to purchase a new console.
“There were really only two consoles in contention – the Strand palette Series and the ETC consoles,” said Stewart. “Ultimately our decision was prompted by the way the industry seems to be going, which is towards the ETC consoles.”
Consequently an ETC Ion 1000 was supplied by Clearlight Shows and Stewart describes it as very user-friendly with a great user interface.
“The size of the console was a big consideration as the control room we have to put the console in is very small,” he added. “The Ion 1000 fits perfectly. Plus the modularity of the Ion 1000 means that we can break it down into its smaller components or in future, purchase more without incurring large costs.”
Stewart reports that since receiving the ETC Ion 1000 it has been used on four productions with great success.
“The first one worked out particularly well because it’s touring to Sydney’s Belvoir Street Theatre soon and they’ve already updated to the Ion,” he said. “That means the show should transfer easily into their venue. It’s nice to have that connection between venues.”
Pictured with the ETC Ion 1000 are Lucy Birkinshaw, Production Coordinator, Tom Brayshaw and Stewart Campbell, Co-Heads of Lighting.
Australian Distributor: Jands

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