The Falls Festival is an annual event within the music and performing arts industry and this year saw the 25th year that the festival has been running. The line-up for the event saw artists ranging from Daryl Braithwaite to Peking Duk, Dune Rats to Slumberjack, and everything in between. It is staged around Australia with events in Perth, South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales.
Having recently taken delivery of 300 panels of the new TLC Global TourPro Dicolor M Pro 590 5.9mm LED screen, Creative Productions crossed the border and delivered multiple video systems for the New South Wales event at Byron Bay. The Valley Stage saw a massive 9m x 5m LED wall on stage with a further 7m x 4m LED screen for IMAG, whilst the Forest Stage received a 5.5m x 3m LED wall.
The LED screen is IP rated and therefore very well suited to the outdoor festival events and this event was no exception, with a substantial rainstorm during the event and the LED just kept on going, which was a testament to both the product and the crew that installed it.
Whilst the new 5.9mm LED wall initially has found its home in the Gold Coast Office, that’s not to say it won’t be traveling the country when needed! The Sydney office has considerable quantities of the 4.8mm LED and Creative Productions is well equipped to service any event anywhere in the country.