Robe has revealed its new website, at with ‘a fresh contemporary look that is action-packed with useful information and resources for all’. The site has been co-ordinated to coincide with the launch of a series of new products from Robe that are being revealed throughout the first half of 2021. is designed for speed, convenience, and ease of viewing, optimised for use with mobile devices. Faster access to a greater amount of product-related information is a cornerstone of the new architecture.
The site is curated to offer a lively mix of interesting data and multiple layers of technical depth for those needing to drill down further into the complexities of products and Robe’s use of new technologies.
An Innovation section will highlight Robe’s constant development and interest in harnessing new, emerging and more sustainable technologies, and how this will potentially shape future products and impact the lighting industry generally and the application of light in multiple environments.
Reflecting the imagination and joie de vivre of the entertainment and performance community, new sections like Spot On will feature dynamic original content.
Things like poplar product infomercial video series The Shed and Robe On Location – where industry characters, movers, and shakers from around the world discuss their stories, experiences, and a diversity of other topics – will be featured in Spot On.
The News section will continue to bring relevant and up-to-the-minute news, views, creativity, invention, and project showcases from Robe users around the world.
Regional variants of the website will be supported by Robe’s subsidiaries, complete with translations, and these will additionally carry dedicated content and further helpful information refined and developed specifically for these markets.
Robe s.r.o.’s digital marketing manager Julian von den Stemmen comments, “We are delighted to have utilised time during the current pandemic situation to develop and launch this new website, vastly enhancing the mobile experience and adding fresh zest and functionality to an already proven design.
“It is all part of enabling us and our subsidiaries to think globally and act locally … quickly and efficiently.”
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