Novatech is pleased to welcome a fleet of new Clay Paky Scenius Unico fixtures to our extensive inventory. The latest addition to the Scenius range, the Unico has the pedigree of outstanding quality of light in all modes that it offers. Firstly, it is a magnificent spotlight for projecting effects with six rotating gobos, a rotating prism, a stunning animation wheel whilst also being equipped with the most sophisticated & most precise framing system on the market.
The Unico is also an outstanding wash light as it features different diffusion filters that may be inserted gradually. The most amazing feature of the Unico however is that it can also generate a powerful narrow beam of super concentrated light, with a minimum beam angle of only 5 degrees.
The Unico features include:
– Multifunctional light (Spot, wash & beam)
– 1400W Osram discharge lamp
– 6500 K output colour temperature
– 5° to 55° linear zoom
– Focus tracking system
– CMY System and linear CTO
– Framing System operating on 4 focal planes & rotation on 90°
– Graphic animation wheel
– 6 rotating gobos and rotating prism
– 16 blades fast iris
– Variable “soft edge” frost and flood frost
Wesley Hiscock, head of lighting at Novatech commented “We decided to purchase the Unico’s over the Mythos 2’s as we wanted a fixture that had not only had great performance potential for our concert & toruing market, but one which would also suit the theatrical market due to its exceptional framing system. They are extremely quiet, which theatre companies love, especially with an orchestra. We waited for the Unico’s as we always strive to have the best fixtures available to our clients to ensure they enhance the events they are used on. I’m excited to be able to use them on high profile events such as Adelaide Fashion Festival and Womadelaide. These fixtures will inevitable be very popular amongst theatrical and event companies alike.”
Wesley continues to state “On the recent events with orchestras they have been out on, the feedback from our clients has been extremely positive. They commented on the outstanding brightness of the fixture and mentioned the superiority of the framing system over other products on the market, especially the way each blade can continue across the whole beam.”
The Clay Paky Scenius Unico enhances our already extensive lighting fixture inventory and we’re excited in working with our clients in implementing the Unico on their events in creative ways. The Unico is available now from Novatech for us all over Australia.