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Event News

Clay Paky Australian Launch Event of SuperSharpy, Mythos and Stormy

You are invited to the exclusive Australian launch of Clay Paky’s Mythos, Stormy and SuperSharpy – the first time these revolutionary new products will be seen in the country.

Special guests from Clay Paky are Alberico D’Amato, Head of International Sales, and Giulia Sabeva, Sales Support Engineer. Special guest direct from MA Lighting is Glyn O’Donoghue.

Tuesday October 14th
X Factor set, Fox Studios 3B, Driver Ave, Moore Park, NSW
Time: 4.30 – 7.30pm

Thursday October 16th
Alumbra, 9/161 Harbour Esplanade, Docklands, VIC
Time: 4.30 – 7.30pm

Light meal and refreshments served at both events.

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Time management is crucial in the production environment. Minimising setup and pack-down time can save you and your company money. To help you speed...
