As in previous years, Paul Collison is lighting the Main Arena Spectacular at the Sydney Royal Easter Show however this year he has a new and powerful weapon in his arsenal in the form of the Clay Paky Alpha Beam 700 which he describes in one word – awesome!
The stadium is in the process of being renovated and unfortunately the new lighting positions that Paul had been hoping to use this year were not ready. Consequently he has had to make do with the old five positions of previous years plus a couple of lighting towers.
Paul is using the same amount of Martin MAC2000 Washes as last year and he admits that they are only just enough to cover the field adequately.
“Our biggest restriction has always been weight so we’ve only ever been able to hang enough lights to acceptably cover the field,” he remarked. “But by adding Clay Paky Alpha Beams not only have I got a really cool beam effect to throw around the ring, throw the frost in and they actually supplement the wash on the field. So I actually now get more light in the centre of the field than I ever have before and we haven’t even started utilising the new lighting positions. That’s been really exciting, to grab a fixture like the Clay Paky Alpha Beam and have it actually contribute to the wash rather than just add another flavour.”
Lighting is supplied by Chameleon Touring Systems.

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