Peter Stubbs, well known Australian Lighting Designer and Creative Producer, has recently invested in LSC Clarity as his console of choice. Travelling extensively throughout Australia and Asia, Peter required a powerful lighting control system that could travel well and keep within his aircraft baggage allowance.
Stubbs takes up the story, “I had to hone my travelling kit down to 30kgs and this included my Macbook Pro, iPad, iPhone, Apple Airport, SLR camera, an extra 19” LCD monitor, wireless keyboard and mouse, USB hub and all the associated cables, power boards and of course, my LSC CLARITY VX20 console.” Peter has managed to squeeze everything into a large Camera Bag (carry-on luggage) and a small hard-side Suitcase especially foamed out for this purpose. Personal effects and clothing are checked-in using a standard Suit Bag.
Peter commenced working in the Australian Production Industry in 1986 and has toured with many of Australia’s big names and internationals such as Jerry Lewis and BB King. He formed Luxart in 2005, specialising in Lighting and Set Design, 3D Rendering, Multi-media preparation, Event Branding and Lighting/Visual Programming and Operation.
“I use the Mac version of CLARITY as it opens up so many more possibilities, including using my iPhone or iPad as a wireless touch screen console. Using the iPad apps Air Display, I am able to connect the iPad as a third screen utilising the wireless network from my Apple Airport.
When using Clarity, the first thing I discovered was that I was sitting back in my chair and not hunched over the console mashing the keypad as I would on other consoles. Programming can be achieved using the mouse and or trackball as well as using the IPad for the touch screen functions. I love the drag and drop patching in Clarity. It makes patching very quick and allows you to move fixtures around easily if a change is needed. The Programmer section is very well laid out giving you access to all fixture parameters at once. It allows you to patch and do some basic programming before you get to the gig, even without a visualiser. But if you have a visualiser, then you can be totally programmed prior .I found the control of Media Servers excellent. It shows me the thumbnails of the Media Server, even after disconnecting from the Server, which was great for those late night programming sessions back in the hotel room.
So I have achieved my goal – a powerful lighting console in a compact case for travelling with the ability to program anywhere, anytime, using great software that integrates so easily with my Macs.”
Clarity is available as a free trial download from A range of DMX interface converters and console wings are available to further enhance this powerful software suite.

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