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Cast wysiwyg R31

Cast Group has released the first few details of forthcoming new release of wysiwyg R31, due to launch within the next few weeks. For features, most significant is the new Material System in Shaded Views, allowing material properties to be applied on a per-element level to any object in the file, adding more realism to real-time visualization, meaning more screenshots and fewer renderings. New material properties include Specular Level, Specular Gloss, Specular Color Source and Light Reflection, delivering ‘really virtually real’ images to enhance the creative process.

R31 beta-tester Nick Calthrop noted, “Specularity on surfaces is one of the greatest new features R31, because it’s all about putting a shine on surfaces in realtime. It really is the bee’s knees for wysiwyg, one of the biggest things to happen to the software since R25.”

Also central to R31 are some spectacular Shaded View enhancements that bring visualization ever closer to reality. One of the most apparent of these advances is that beams will no longer saturate to white when overlapping in large numbers.

New CAD features will include Line Intersection Snap, Trim & Extend tools for rapid adjustment of lines, and new Dimension Properties & Styles to quickly and easily customize all aspects of dimension objects. The ability to colour, tint and brighten textures, images and videos reduces the need to switch back and forth between wyg and image editing software, while fanning tools speed up the creation of new looks in Design mode.

Collectively, the improvements to wysiwyg in R31 are about productivity and creativity – designed with the end user in mind. Look out for forthcoming news on wysiwyg R31, including the official launch date and a full rundown of the new features. Upon release, the R31 update will be available from the Members Only Area of the CAST website.

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