CAST Software has announced its 2013 Video Contest, in which users of the brand new wysiwyg® R30 are invited to submit their finest lighting designs for a chance to win one of three fantastic prizes. The creator of the winning video will land themselves a full one-year wyg membership, while second and third place runners-up will scoop a half-year wyg membership.
In an exciting twist on 2012’s R28 competition, the use of consoles WILL be allowed, due to popular demand among previous entrants. Of course, employment of the software’s Cue List and Camera Path features is perfectly acceptable and encouraged – Members are simply challenged to create a two-minute video of a stunning wysiwyg® design and upload it to the CAST Software Facebook page for appraisal, initially by CAST’s hand-picked judging panel, and then by the public who can vote for their favourite video via Facebook.
Here’s how you enter:
1. Go to: to check out the rules and regulations and download the file required to create your design.
2. In wysiwyg® R30, create a lighting design using the arena drawing provided on The CAST Software Blog. The file has been made using R30.
3. Using the Cue List and Camera Path features in wyg, or a lighting console and video editor, if you wish, create a two-minute video of your lighting design and post it to your YouTube account.
4. Go to the CAST Software Facebook Page and LIKE US! Then post a link to your video labelled ‘wysiwyg R30 Video Challenge’ and also include your name. Once that’s done, you’re in the contest!
5. The deadline for entries is midnight on March 31st. Winners will be announced at ProLight + Sound 2013 in Frankfurt.
Each contestant may only enter the competition once and must have a valid copy of wysiwyg® R30. CAST will supply all entrants with the same venue file which they must use. It contains an arena space and a band setup on a riser. Contestants may arrange the band setup however they wish, but must use only the arena and band setup provided. CAST believes this approach is representative of the real world and levels the playing field, while facilitating fair comparison of all entrants’ creativity. Entrants may add a soundtrack and use a video finishing program to add their name, title and other credit information to their entry.
CAST Group’s wysiwyg® product manager and resident lighting design expert Jim Hutchison commented: “That’s right folks, the wysiwyg® R30 Video Challenge is here! We want you to make an absolutely awesome video using wysiwyg® R30, but this time you can even use a console as well, but only if you want to. This is your opportunity to show off your work, so be creative – and do it in no more than two minutes!”
wysiwyg R30 is available now from the Members Only Area of the CAST website:, where a demo version and product information are also available. New releases are free for members.

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