Welsh heavy metal band Bullet for My Valentine has landed on our shores to promote their latest album Fever and just because their lighting designer Christian Wienberg Bonde is Danish, it doesn’t mean he automatically chooses Martin lighting!
”Well, I like to support Danish firms if I can,” admits Christian. “But really I just like the products! They do the job and are cost-effective. You know what you’re getting with Martin MACs – reliability and a powerful fixture.”
For the Australian tour Phaseshift Productions has supplied a rig of eighteen Martin MAC301 LED lights as floor lights, eight MAC2000 for front light, twenty-three MAC700 Profiles, eight MAC700 Wash and ten Atomic 3000 scrollers – all controlled by a full size MA Lighting grandMA, with a grandMA light as back up and two NSP’s.
“The grandMA is always my console of choice,” stated Christian. “In Denmark my background is in television and theatre where grandMA’s are standard so I was bought up using them. The network side of the grandMA’s is very good and means I always have a reliable backup.
Christian confesses that he usually uses GLP Impressions for his LED moving light but as they were not available, he accepted the MAC301’s.
”For me there’s not that big a difference between the GLP Impression and the Martin MAC301,” he said. “I think maybe the Impression’s housing is a little bit prettier. I can’t see any difference in their output and functionality – both are fast, bright and easy to rig.”
Photos: Troy Constable

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