The highlight and one of the biggest productions of the Sydney Festival was the free concert by superstar composer A.R. Rahman which transported Parramatta to India as the city turned into a spectacular mix of colour, light, dancing and music that would not have been out of place in a Bollywood blockbuster. The concert, held in Parramatta Park was estimated to have attracted 75,000 visitors to the area. They were treated to an amazing show as A.R. Rahman performed a three hour set, backed by an entourage of more than 40 musicians and Bollywood dancers on stage.
Chameleon Touring Systems provided the massive amount of lighting for A.R. Rahman’s lighting director Roosevelt Dsouza with Brad Gander supplying the lighting design and Tony Davies in charge of the site lighting design. Big, brash and colourful was the request.
The production was particularly heavy on set lighting utilising the best in LED gear from Show Technology including 204 x Studio Due CityLEDs, 100 x Pro Shop LED Tubes, 48 x Pro Shop LED PAR cans, 60 x Pulsar ChromaStrips and 32 x Pro Shop Honeycombs.
”The Studio Due CityLEDs are situated in the façade of the set but in India they used ordinary household bulbs patched to single dimmers,” revealed Brad. “With the CityLEDs we obviously reduced the amount of dimmers whilst creating the same effect. The Pro Shop LED Tubes were placed around perimeter of the ‘X shape’ on the set floor whilst the Pulsar ChromaStrips and the Pro Shop Honeycombs were situated within the steps which were a major feature of the set. A further 48 x Pro Shop LED PAR cans were also in the set pieces.”
Forty-eight Martin MAC2000 profiles and twenty-four MAC2000 washes were used for stage lighting with sixteen of the MACs on the stage floor whilst the rest were flown. Conventionals included 200 x Par Cans, 48 x Profiles, 6 x 8 Light Molefay units, 8 x Molefay duets, 48 x Par 64 ACLs and four Robert Juliat 2.5k follow spots. Brad used a MA Lighting grandMA to control all of the set lighting.
Site lighting including trees and VIP areas utilised 40 x Studio Due CityColors, 28 x 4k Balloons, 24 x Pro Shop LED Honeycombs and four Pro Shop 500mm LED balls.

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