The ARISE Church in New Zealand’s Hutt Valley recently upgraded its auditorium with the help of Lampros Sound.
Fourteen Ayrton Mistrals, a couple of Ayrton Diablo and fifteen ShowPRO LED House Light FC have replaced the old, past-their-prime lights transforming the Church in the process.
“This campus is where the Church does all of their broadcast recordings so we required a fixture that was quiet,” explained Alistair Lambie, owner of Lampros Sound. “The previous lights were discharge lamps and put out a fair bit of heat so the fixture needed to also be LED. We looked around but we’ve always been impressed by the Ayrton range and once again, it delivered.”
The Mistrals are used for all of the onstage and rear lighting whilst the Diablos are located on the front light bar to supplement the static front white light fixtures.
“They’re good for filling in and being framing units plus also special effects,” added Alistair. “The Mistral has a very sharp and well-defined beam with a very flat light output. They offer some great gobo choices, are light in weight considering the light output and are very quiet.”
The ShowPRO LED House Light FC fixtures are in addition to some dimmable warm white house lights already installed into the building). They were chosen to allow for some colour wash of the audience areas, particularly during a broadcast.
“They’re great little fixtures and provide some really good colour,” said Alistair. “Again, they are silent in operation and are flicker-free which is great for the cameras.”
Aaron Lambie is ARISE’s National Production Manager and also Heads of Lighting. He says that with Covid causing the Chruch to shift their focus to a more online-oriented set of services, they needed a fixture that would help make creating quality video content easier.
“Since March 2020, we have started filming tenfold what we had been previously,” he commented. “We started a kids TV show called ARISE Kids TV which is broadcast in both New Zealand and Australia with Shine TV and ACC TV. We also produce our services with pre-recorded Praise and Worship, Life Group Content, and Youth services to name a few.”
Aaron further remarked that being a Church it is important that they purchase gear that is cost-effective and reliable.
“With this in mind, I had been impressed with the build quality of Ayrton’s fixtures and the Mistral and Diablo fit the budget perfectly,” he added. “Providing a sharp and flat field beam in a compact, lightweight and low-noise package, these fixtures rock and I couldn’t be happier with them.
“For a company that is relatively new to the scene of workhorse movers, they’ve certainly proved themselves worthy. The next time we look to fit out one of our Campuses, I would certainly be looking at purchasing Ayrton fixtures again!”