“Delivered Live” is a vibrant weekly music and comedy performance concept streamed live-and-direct from Melbourne, Australia, the result of a dynamic collaboration between Handshake...
Sai-500 is Ushio Lighting’s Xebex brand, of LED medium-throw follow spotlight. Its compact size and ease of use make it an ideal lighting instrument...
ETC is revolutionizing commercial LED systems with the announcement of two new product families designed to work cohesively together. ArcSystem Navis is a line...
Designers value the Elation Fuze series for its perfect fusion of performance, features and value and now the company is expanding the high-value line...
With lockdowns continuing worldwide in a global attempt to beat the Coronavirus pandemic, UK lighting control manufacturer Zero 88 has seriously ramped up its...
ChamSys continues to build on its global commitment to education, making webinar bookings and 20-minute appointment consultations found on the training page available in...
Tim Panitz, Technical Manager of Toowoomba’s Empire Theatre sent through this clip from their local ABC Radio News. The theatre’s Head of Lighting, Ben...
Obsidian Control Systems combines over 25 years of experience developing professional entertainment lighting control solutions for automated and theatrical lighting fixtures. Obsidian Control Systems...
For Golden Features, Nicholas Beachen‘s lighting and video were all triggered via Timecode. Lighting ran on MA Lighting grandma2 software and video ran off...
As lighting manufacturers continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in luminaire technology, the practical application of that technology falls upon the...
TAIT is now offering free online training courses for iQ Powered by NAVIGATOR to the live event community. By providing these courses, everyone interested...
On Easter Sunday, Studio 45.live by WooHah Productions partnered with Fire Church to deliver an interactive live stream to the 6000 viewers from around...
Our live online BlackTrax seminars provide an insight into the world of tracking and automation. Through these seminars, you will witness how lighting can be...
CHAUVET Professional has added a new Thursday Tech Talk Series to its extensive training library to help lighting designers and programmers acquire new skills...
Australia’s premier convention, exhibition and entertainment precinct, ICC Sydney is a world class brand, managed by a close-knit family of extraordinary people. More than...