Best Installation $1m+ – KLM Group for the ACT Australian Federal Police – Edmund Barton Building, Advanced Video Integration for the QLD Queensland Emergency Operations Centre, think!OTS, VIC Discover for the Australian Pavilion World Expo 2010
Best Installation under $1m – Australian Sound Service for the VIC Sound Masking System at ANZ HQ Docklands, Advanced Audio Visuals for NSW SingTel Optus Executive Boardroom, think!OTS, VIC Trapped for Faces Theatre Sovereign Hill
Best application of AV in Education – VisionX AV for the NSW University of Western Sydney Parramatta Auditorium, Rutledge Engineeringf or the VIC Victoria University Learning Commons & Exercise Science & Sports Precinct, Museum Victoria Volcano in 3D
Best AV Production – Kojo Events for theVIC Mitsubishi ASX Launch and Training Roadshow, Haycom AV for the QLD Projection Mapping Rio Tinto Australia, think!OTS for the VIC Discover Australian Pavilion World Expo 2010
Innovation Award – think!OTS for the VIC Trapped Faces Theatre Sovereign Hill, Rutledge Engineering for the VIC Victoria University Learning Commons & Exercise Science & Sports Precinct, Museum Victoria Volcano in 3D
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