On September 25, ANSI’s Board of Standards Review approved the reaffirmation of the 2010 edition of ANSI E1.30-4, EPI 26, Device Description Language (DDL) Extensions for DMX512 and E1.31 Devices, and the revised version of ANSI E1.37-2, Entertainment Technology – Additional Message Sets for ANSI E1.20 (RDM) – Part 2, IPv4 & DNS Configuration Messages.
ANSI E1.30-4 does what the title says: it defines protocol-specific extensions to the device description language for describing DMX512 devices.
ANSI E1.37-2 is another part of the multi-part, open-ended E1.37 standard. It provides get/set parameter messages for configuring network interfaces, routing information, and DNS settings on devices with IPv4 addresses.
Both standards are now published. They may be downloaded at no charge from http://tsp.plasa.org/freestandards; the free download is sponsored by Prosight Specialty Insurance.
On October 8, the ANSI Board of Standards Review approved PLASA North America’s withdrawal of ANSI E1.45 – 2013, Unidirectional Transport of IEEE 802 data frames over ANSI E1.11 (DMX512-A). ANSI E1.45 has been withdrawn because it does not comply with PLASA’s patent policy, which states that we do not intend to publish any standard that contains protected intellectual property unless that property can be licensed by anyone for a reasonable fee on a non-discriminatory basis. There are patents issued in Korea and in the United States that cover key parts of the standard. The licensing terms offered by the patent-holder do not meet our requirements, so the standard has been withdrawn.
For more information, please contact:
Karl G. Ruling, PLASA Technical Standards Manager
630 Ninth Avenue, Suite 609
New York, New York 10036 USA
Phone: 1-212-244-1505
Source: Lighting & Sound America