When a lighting manufacturer introduces a new model to an already successful line, publicity tends to focus on the new product. However there is another side to the story that is rarely focused upon; the superseded model can drop quite dramatically in price thus allowing the smaller players in our business access to previously unobtainable product.
This is what happened to Perth based company All Things Theatre when MA Lighting released the grandMA2 range – finally they could afford a grandMA1 full size!
“We’ve always wanted a grandMA console because they are the industry standard, but they were a little out of our price range,” commented Sean Ashton of All Things Theatre. “Once the MA2 came out, the prices dropped to a level we could justify getting one.”
It was five years ago when Sean visited Show Technology to have a demo of the grandMA and he remembers being very impressed by its power and how quickly you could find your way around the console. Now he has finally got the console of his dreams and he is loving finding out new features and abilities.
“The speed at which you can program effects is amazing,” he added. “It’s great that it comes with free visualize software so you can work on a show without actually being there. In fact it’s an incredibly flexible console and we also expect to hire it out quite often.
“I recently attended an ALIA tour and learnt a few tips and tricks in regards to macros. Although it’s quick to learn basic stuff on the grandMA, there is so much more complex stuff for me to learn – the more you learn, the more you can do and it just doesn’t seem to have a limit!”