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ALIA Seminars at Integrate 2010

The ALIA seminars at Integrate 2010 offer opportunities for everyone with an interest in lighting to find out more about the art, craft and technologies of lighting, at very little cost.




Lighting 101

Tuesday 24th August 2010 – 12::45pm –2:45pm – Hordern Pavilion Room #2

If you’re new to lighting then the Lighting 101 session is a great way to get started. This seminar offers a brief tour of the basics, some insights into what lighting can do, and how you can use lighting in production and performance.

The seminar will be presented by Andy Ciddor, an industry veteran with over 40 years experience as a lighting practitioner, teacher and writer, in conjunction with a small team of experienced lighting designers and technicians.

All participants will receive a show bag containing lighting information and samples from ALIA member companies.

This seminar is a suggested preliminary to the Lighting System Technician and Lighting Design sessions.


Lighting Systems Technology 101

Wednesday 25th August 2010 – 12:45pm – 2:45pm – Hordern Pavilion Room #2

So you want to work in Lighting? How do you put together a large lighting system? This session is based on the System Technician Seminar provided by lighting production and rental company, Resolution X, for its own crews. Presented by Tim Hall, from Res X, it covers the role of the lighting system technician and how to put together a lighting system in a professional manner. The concept of system design applies to concert touring, theatre, television, corporate events – basically anywhere large lighting systems are in use. Topics covered include the System Technician role and responsibilities, system design and set up, power distribution, data distribution, touring dimmer/distribution systems and patching.

This is an entry level systems course, but a basic knowledge of lighting equipment is necessary. At the very least you should have taken the Lighting 101 seminar or worked on some productions before attending this seminar.


Lighting Design 101

Tuesday 24th August 2010 – 3:15pm – 5:15pm – Hordern Pavilion Room #2

Although you won’t leave this seminar ready to design the next season at Stratford upon Avon, an international concert tour, or a Broadway musical, you will have a grasp of the fundamental tools and techniques of the modern lighting designer. Led by Lighting Designer Scott Allan, a team of lighting professionals will cover topics including, text analysis, modelling fundamentals, selection of angle, colour and luminaires, cueing and plotting concepts, and a survey of available CAD and visualisation tools.

This is an entry level design course, but a basic knowledge of lighting concepts is necessary. At the very least you should have taken the Lighting 101 seminar or worked on some productions before attending this seminar.




Video as a Lighting Design Tool

Tuesday 24th August 2010 – 10:15am – 12:45pm – Hordern Pavilion Room #2

This session looks at the ever-more-blurred lines between video and lighting in production. It features a panel of lighting and video designers, equipment suppliers and technical directors, who’ll be discussing the convergence between the lighting and video elements of production design. If you’re using, or even thinking about combining video and lighting elements in production, then this session is a must-see.


Testing & Tagging in the Real World

Wednesday 25th August 2010 – 10:15am – 12:45pm – Hordern Pavilion Room #2

Led by Andy Ciddor, ALIA’s representative on the committee that maintains the Test & Tag standard (AS/NZS 3760), this seminar examines some of the misconceptions and folklore that surround the Test & Tag process and cuts through to the safety issues that the standard is there to define and promote. If you are responsible for the electrical safety of portable equipment in your work place come and join this myth-busting session and help to improve the safety in our industry. As ALIA is a non-discriminatory association, audio, AV, staging and automation practitioners are also welcome at this session.


Meet the LDs

Thursday 26th August 2010 – 2:15pm – 4:00pm – The Headroom, Royal Hall of Industries.

One of the hottest sessions in the ALIA programme, this session sees a panel of illustrious lighting designers and lighting directors from all walks of lighting talk about their approach to the lighting design process, then answer your questions about lighting design.


Session Prices

Prices for ALIA members are just $15 for most sessions (except Meet the LD’s which is $11).

Even for non-members, the price is only $30 per session (Meet the LD’s is $22).

If you decide to join ALIA after attending the seminars, you will get 50% of your seminar fees credited against your first year’s membership subscription.



Advance bookings are available right now via the Integrate web site

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