ALIA is excited to announce the launch of our new YouTube channel that will provide both recorded and live content catering specifically to the industry.
For the launch of the channel, we’ve enlisted Alex Hughes who runs the well-known lighting training channel known as to create a series of live-streamed Q&A sessions. He recently hosted the first session with some of the best Australian LDs currently working in the industry with topics such as keeping busy and managing a business. View that session at:
The aim is not to pitch products or just talk about the good times.
Alex has agreed that the concept has legs well beyond just lighting designers and has agreed to facilitate future events on the ALIA channel with audio sessions also planned.
The first announced session goes live on youtube on the 29th of May (this Friday) with a panel of the best current and upcoming Lighting System Technicians and Programmers. Panellists include Duane Inocencio, Brendan Malone and Liam Ashton.
You can find the ALIA YouTube Channel at:
What: Informal Chat with Lighting System Technicians and Programmers
When: May 29th 18:30 AEST
Where: Wherever you wish!