The 2010 ALIA AGM will be held at 6:30pm on Tuesday 24th August in Seminar Room No 2 at the Hordern Pavilion, Moore Park Sydney (after the close of the Integrate Show for the day).
The meeting will present a review of the progress that ALIA has made in the last 12 months and, more importantly, provide an opportunity for members to influence the future direction of the association through the election of committee members.
All committee positions: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and six ordinary committee members, are open for nominations and election. This is your opportunity to have an input to the direction of ALIA. Due to our members’ wide geographic dispersion and frequently frantic work-habits, the 2010 election of office bearers will be held by a combination of postal ballot, secure on-line voting via the ALIA Forums web site, and personal voting at the meeting.
Nomination forms are available here and should be sent to the ALIA Returning Officer:
Phil Dunesky,
Herkes ProSupport,
PO Box 7213,
Alexandria, NSW 2015
Fax 02 9319 0204
Nominations for all positions close at 5pm (EST) on Wednesday 18th August.
A list of nominees will be published on the ALIA web site Thursday August 20th, and where there is more than one nomination for a position, members will be able to vote by post, email, fax , on-line, or in person at the AGM. The returning officer will collect and tally all votes for office bearers and committee members.
Postal voting will close on Monday August 23rd, while on-line and fax voting will close at 4pm (EST) on Tuesday August 24th.
Annual General Meeting Agenda:
1. Welcome
2. Confirm the Minutes of the 2009 Annual General Meeting.
3. Business arising from the Minutes of the 2009 AGM.
4. President’s Report, including an annual report on ALIA activities.
5. Financial report for the year ended 31.12.2009.
6. Election of office bearers for 2010/11
a. President
b. Vice President
c. Treasurer
d. Secretary
7. Election of six committee members
8. Close of meeting.
Andy Ciddor
Association President

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