The Australian Institute of Music has grown into a major player in education and training for the Australian music industry, performing arts and entertainment management fields. Recently this industry institution purchased two ETC Element consoles – one for the Pilgrim Theatre Sydney, for their Dramatic Arts programme, replacing the Jands 48 channel ESP, and one for their multipurpose 220 seat auditorium in Foveaux Street replacing a Theatrelight Scenemaster 24.
The ETC Element control console is designed expressly for modest rigs and maximum hands-on fader control. It is based on ETC’s Eos control operating system but with a simplified feature set in an all in one package.
Jands conducted a training day for the students, with Rod McKinnon at the helm, and students were amazed at how quickly they could learn to operate the ETC Element console.
“The training day that AIM conducted was great”, said Peter Loader, technical manager at AIM. “All the students and teachers that attended felt confident that they could operate and programme the Element after the event. The Jands guys delivered a great teaching session which gave us all the confidence to be able to operate the consoles well.
“The students love that they can record their programming steps in their show and then come back maybe three weeks later and replay it, or get any other student to run it just by pressing ‘GO’. So they programme their cues with the house rig and then they can come back at any time and operate it quickly and simply.”
The idea behind the ETC Element console is that it’s a great introduction console for operators who can graduate with relative ease to the Ion and then Eos as their careers progress or their shows get bigger.
“The ETC Element saves staff a lot of time setting up each production by being able to recall programming or store programmes without the threat of loosing any programmed work, and if an old rock dog/god like myself can program than anyone can”, said Loader. “It has forty channels which I can operate just like an old JL24! I’m very confident in using it both as a manual desk on live or for programming up a show. Theatre students are programming up their recitals and saving cues and looks to memory sticks every day whilst contemporary students are rocking using the desk manually.”

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