More Acme LYRA fixtures arrived at Elite Event Technology’s stable. Just in time to boost their inventory during the silly season, EET has taken on delivery of another 12 Acme Lighting LYRAs, making this a total of 24 fixtures, for now anyway!

The first 12 LYRA fixtures landed in Canberra three weeks ago. “They literally just came in the door, we unpacked them and sent them straight on the truck for Spilt Milk. And they performed great!”, comments Darren Russell, MD of Elite Event Technology.
“We have been shopping for an LED-based true Beam, Spot, Wash fixture for a while now. And Acme LYRA has blown us away!” says Darren. “When we put the LYRA next to the other fixtures available on the market in the same class and fired them all up, we were very impressed! Incredibly bright from its 1000 Watt LED engine and IP66 rated to boot. Its quality for this price point is outstanding!”
The LYRAs made their debut as the main beam fixtures on the Basquait Stage, in an exclusive floor package for DJ Fisher.
“This fixture is probably the best thing that Acme has done so far. It is a kick-arse fixture, a great staple workhorse! That is why we bought 24 of them for a start, and I think there will be many more to come after this,” confirms Darren.