Our industry has a general dislike to Standards Australia and this will add more fuel to the fire.
An updated version of AS/NZS 3002:2021 Electrical installations – Shows, Carnivals and Events was published on the 25th June 2021. Heard about it? We hadn’t either. Not surprising given not a single representative from the Entertainment Industry was consulted.
Who does it affect: anyone who uses an extension lead at an event!
1.1 Scope
1.1.1 General
This Standard sets out requirements for the supply of electricity to power consuming devices for –
(a) shows, carnivals and events;
(b) public events; and
(c) limited duration private domestic or private corporate events where attendance is expected to be in excess of 30 people or when staff are employed for the event
Here are a few of the unfathomable changes picked up by Craig Beatson of Omega Technical Services:
Piggyback Plugs shall no longer be used on cables over 5m! To what advantage? Carry a packer of longer leads, plus 1m piggybacks only to create extra joins and risk of failure / catastrophic incidents? It is counter-intuitive! (a) (ii) does not apply to flexible cords 5m or less Accessories for connection
Double adaptors and three-pin plug adaptors (tapon, piggyback or similar fittings) shall not be used for electricity supply distribution on show, carnival and event sites
Minimum cable size The minimum cross-sectional area of each conductor in a flexible cord shall be 1.5mm2
IEC leads are mostly 0.75mm, budget Piggyback leads are 1.0mm (aka Bunnings) – certainly not required in all applications. Possibly not a bad thing but should really fall into “best practice”
Maximum cable length (as per table 3.2) The maximum length of a 1.5mm cable (standard piggyback) is 15m!!
This does not take into consideration actual cable properties, derating tables for the environment, voltage drops, and is in contradiction to other standards referenced. There may be some loop holes around this one, but you can guarantee that no council inspector will understand when you try and explain how you can have a longer lead based on AS3008!
You cannot use more than four Piggybacks or draw more than 1200W / 5A – speechless!
3.8.2 piggybacks may be used to connect individual items of equipment to cord extension sets provided:
(a) The total load connected through these piggybacks does not exceed 1200W
(b) No more than four piggybacks are connected together
These are just some of the many crazy changes that have been made. Many large sections have been replaced/added with clear references to building and construction.
Summary: This document highlights three problems
1. This standard is clearly unworkable and requires urgent revision
2. Our industry has once again been forgotten about
3. Australian Standards are not freely available
Remember, standards are not laws themselves. They can, and often are, referred to in making laws and regulations. More importantly, the catchall clause “must comply with all laws, regulations and relevant standards” you see in most contracts is where things come unstuck.
If you’d like to delve further into the AS/NZS 3002:2021 Electrical installations – Shows, Carnivals and Events document, you’ll have to cough up $151.87.
If you’d like to comment on this, please head to ALIA’s Facebook post on the issue https://www.facebook.com/AustralasianLighting