Fifteen years ago the Australasian Lighting Industry Association was born. Created by Andy Ciddor and Cat Strom, ALIA soon became the information hub for the lighting industry.
We tackled a few major issues, organized product evenings, conducted many backstage tours and kept you informed.
Unfortunately it’s very difficult to get a committee that can commit time and effort to sustaining ALIA as an association. Everyone is keen and full of ideas but they are also time poor. As a result, I regret to inform you that ALIA is no longer an Incorporated Association.
But it’s not all bad news. Over the years I have kept the ALIA website going, posting most days, and have organized all the backstage tours. Some people believed that when I stepped down as Vice President, I left ALIA but nothing could be further from the truth.
I am still the driving force behind ALIA and with the good wishes of the last committee, I intend to run ALIA as it always has been ….. maybe even better! It just won’t be an association but a private enterprise. It was either that or no ALIA at all.
Company members will see no change and individual memberships will cease.
There will be a lot more social media interaction and we are currently setting up a new hosting service to enable better representation in those areas.
I have a few backstage tours coming up and money paid to attend these will be donated to an industry charity.
I will probably keep the ALIA name but the initials will not stand for anything.
If you have any enquires please email me at