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Employment News

Downstairs Theatre Technical Manager

Company B Belvoir are seeking a part-time Downstairs Theatre Technical Manager (DTTM). The DTTM is a job-share position (approx. 25 hours per week) working closely with the Company B’s Downstairs Theatre Director, Production Manager, Technical Manager, and the artists and artistic teams that perform throughout the Downstairs Theatre calendar, including B Sharp participants and outside hirers.

The DTTMs are responsible for all technical operations of the Downstairs Theatre and are the key liaisons between the Company and B Sharp participants and hirers for all technical matters related to their use of the Downstairs Theatre.

The position also involves working as a technician and board operator on productions in the Upstairs Theatre on a rotational basis, as well as acting as duty technician for all outside hirers.

A full job description is available here.

Please send applications addressing the selection criteria to

Applications close Friday 5 February 2010.

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